High Heeled Shoes Dangers for Runners are proved by world’s best orthopedic surgeons and ideally not perfect for every women. High heel shoes are considered in top footwear fashion and lovingly enjoyed by the women. No doubt high heels give fantastic gorgeous look and help you to walk confidently. Working women in offices mostly like to wear high heels, they spend whole day almost 9 hours with high heels, but at the end of the day majority of them feels uncomfortable.
Recently with many surveys and researches it is proved by the world’s best orthopedic surgeons that high heel wearer women face many problems health wise most probably for back injury, knee pains and many foot problems. If we talk honestly about real fact then it would not be wrong to say that high heels are actually not made and suitable for every woman as high heel wearing is an art and every woman cannot perfectly handle this art. Posture imbalance and hardly toenails tortures are main problems that every second woman faces by wearing high heels.
Balancing posture in high heels can help a bit to block high heel dangers but when running fast with high heels you cannot stay in balancing posture and may cause sprained ankle at start, later on it increases in other dangers. Running in high heels give more fatigue to muscles to work more and stretching the tendons during fast walking. When wearing high heel the foot toe ankle twist it 2 to 3 inches which invites the corns, bunions and calluses like problems for long period. Then the Morton's Neuroma is another symptom which causes foot tissues and the nervous systems of toe.
Doctor’s advice to limit wearing of high heels, at least for once in a week or wear it occasionally or if you don’t want to limit it then after some hours give relief to your feet and bare them. In night massage your feet with olive oil to relax them.So avoid high heels as much as you can especially 2 and more than 2 inches heels. Fashion is not important that the health. Chronic foot problems are hard to treat, so cure is better than treatment.