Shaving is an important part of men daily routine. This is why it is difficult to go to barber shop every time for a shave. What if you get a barbershop shave at home? Yes you can easily get a barbershop shave at home. For barbershop shave at home you need razor, pre-shave oil, after shave and moisturizer etc.
First of all gather these things and after this you are ready to get a barbershop shave at your home. Now the first step that comes in barbershop shave is applying pre-shave oil on your beard. This step can prevent you from getting cuts and irritation on your skin which is usually caused by the razor during shaving. Remember one thing when making choice for pre-shave oil; choose oil which is not very thick. It is a bit difficult then to wash it out. Now let’s come towards the shaving part. Then apply a hot towel on your face this will make your skin smoother. For a barbershop shave use a badger-hair shaving brush.
You can get it very easily from the market. If you don’t have one, then buy it. Take care of one thing if your skin is sensitive then do not buy cheap badged-hair shaving brush for barbershop shave as it will be then made of cheap synthetic which can hurt your skin. And also do not buy any shaving cream with fragrance for barbershop shave. Fragrance in shaving crèmes gives irritation to sensitive skin. Now for barbershop shave wet your brush with hot water and apply shaving cream and then run it on your face.
People usually buy razors which are readily available. You should look for the branded razor to get a barbershop shave. If your skin is sensitive then buy a 3 blade razor because after running it one time on your skin you will not have to run it again which will decrease the chances of getting cuts. If you are doing shave for the first time at home then it is advised to keep a styptic pencil with you during shave and apply it on any cuts you get to stop bleeding.
In barbershop shavingstart shaving from the sideburns then move it to the neck. It is very important to shave in the direction of your hair to avoid irritation. In the end, go for moustache part and chin because this part is the most sensitive part. After shaving, apply after-shave as it will fill your pores and will also rehydrate your skin. In this way easily you can get barbershop shave at home.