There are different habits we don’t want our child to continue. A child may do any specific behaviour unknowingly but it can disturb and make the parents. There are different behaviours observed from kids like thumb sucking, nail biting, hair twirling and nose picking. A kid may be relaxes while doing such activities but it bothers if it’s not a normal or make the parents feeling ashamed.
Nose picking can cause nose bleeding and it is and unhygienic habit. Nose picking can cause when a child might not feeling relax, bored and nothing to pass out time. Other than the habit a child may have a problem with weather like dryness and heat make a child compel to start picking the nose. In any case there are different ways to prevent from such things.
Keep your child neat and clean and make sure that the nasal passages are clear. Make sure sure that your child is away from germs use to was his/her hands properly. Make the use of tissue paper common for a child and make sure that child has a tissue paper every time.
Let not a child sit free, keep your kids busy with extra curriculum activities and even study related activities, it will not only keep them away from such habits but also help you in there grooming. Bring some colouring books, vide and hand games, interesting toys and even cartoons for making them busy. To get rid of this nasty habit scary tactics can also be useful like your fingers will fall down etc but shouting is not the solution to the problem. Some time there are specific timings when a child do it so be careful at the particular time and give any toy in hand of the child while watching TV and any rubber ball so it keep his/her fingers busy.
Keep your kids away from the unhygienic habits by useful tactics with care your love once.