Pakistan’s raunchy babe, who recently stepped in Bollywood, Veena Malik has now came forward to support Homosexuality.
Homosexuality is generally considered a taboo subject of civil society but Bollywood starlet Veena Malik took initative for supporting same sex marriage. She is standing up for the equality of every citizen. After Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga, now Veena Malik came forward to support Lesbian Women.
Veena Malik said, “I openly supporting the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community and I don't feel shy about doing it. If American President Barak Obama and Hollywood beauties can stand up for the gay marriage so why not every country citizen should support this cause. I personally feel every person have a rights to live their life on their own rules and nobody should interfere in their personal life.”
This is such a huge step taken forward to support for civil rights. Homosexuality is inhibited by the fact that sexuality in any form is rarely discussed openly. However, attitudes towards homosexuality have shifted slightly.